Monday, July 21, 2014

Monday Mischief - Zoe steals glasses!

Zoe! What are you doing with Grandma's Glasses? 

When I started teaching her to retrieve random objects I made the mistake of using my sunglasses. One day I was at the dog park and she actually stole my friend's sunglasses out of his pocket and ran off with them.. It was hilarious. We heard "crunch, crunch, crunch" running away from us. Luckily her recall is pretty good and we got the sunglasses back, mostly unharmed. :D


  1. I've been working on fetching various objects with Mr. N. We were cleaning and I found a sock and Mr. N thought I wanted him to go fetch it.

  2. Oh, that's good mischief! Our last dog used to love to pick up anything that smelled/tasted like us - so... undies, socks, sunglasses, hairbrush. All fair game in her book. Hope your friend's glasses weren't too pricey! :)

    1. Oh no!! LOL! My friend's glasses survived being carried off. :D

  3. Looking fabulous is what she's doing!

  4. Haha, that is too cute! Nola has the same problem, just with a different object; I taught her to retrieve pencils and sharpies to start with, and now she'll steal them off the shelf.

    1. Omg, lol!! That's so funny! Zoe will do that with socks, too. Unfortunately she will usually bring me Vince's and they are the stinkiest!


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