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Friday, October 10, 2014

Play Fetch! Fit Dog Friday!

I absolutely love playing fetch with my dogs in an open field. Unfortunately where I live now, we have to drive about an hour to get to one so we don't get to go very often.

Sometimes it can be hard to motivate Zoe to play but when we get her going she's a beast!

We don't have the same motivational problems with Phoenix!! She loves to play ball and she's always ready to go!

After they are done playing fetch, they both enjoy a good game of chase! 

 Happy Fit Dog Friday!! Do your dogs fetch?


  1. I guess we were on a similar wave length today with the chase thing! My sisters and I never play fetch, though. We used to have tons of fields right out our door but most of them are now houses.

  2. My corgis are fetching fiends! Wilson will return his chuck-it squirrel right to your hand, while Jimmy insists on a game of tug when he returns his Cuz ball.

  3. Love watching dogs run full out like that. Unfortunately, my two 'retrievers' don't play fetch. Jack will once in awhile, but he'll retrieve it and then run inside with it.

  4. Mr. N fetches at home mostly. Although he likes stealing sticks from Sage whenever we're out. I clicker trained a retrieve though and I like having him fetch random objects. Like a shirt and shoes and paper clips and mail.

  5. Hi Y'all!

    Yep! Retrieving in the name of the game for us retrievers!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  6. What good fetchers! I only fetch for possibly up to 3 tosses in the grass, then I get distracted by all the smells and run off to sniff the trees and bushes. But I'm always up for a good game of chase!

  7. woah! Looks like tons of fun!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  8. They are so cute! Nola won't fetch, but Pike lives for it.

  9. Barley isn't very fond of fetch unless it's in the snow--if her toy disappears into the snow, she's thrilled about diving in to get it over and over again. The rest of the year, she'll humor me every now and then, but usually she takes her toy/ball and goes and stands by the door after a couple throws. It looks like y'all have a ton of fun with it, though!

  10. my dogs will run after a ball, but never give it back...

  11. I see you use a Chuck-It too, I couldn't live without mine!


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