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Saturday, January 23, 2016

We Missed National Hug Day! Sisters on Saturday

We are training the "hug" trick! When I start training a trick, I always start it inside with little to no distractions. Since the trick isn't finished, we accidentally missed National Hug Day, which was on Thursday. We finally got some better weather and I decided to try to practice the trick outside and get some photos of it!

Unfortunately, our weekend is not off to the greatest start. Right after I took the photo above, Zoe managed to hurt herself. I think she might of stepped on something because she was limping on her right paw. She seemed better last night but we are going to keep a close eye on it.

I hope everyone has a great weekend! 


  1. Hahaha! Someone does not look amused. Hope Zoe's paw injury heals quickly!!

    1. LOL! That's actually just her Thousand Acre park face. All those photos you see of her ears up are like 400 photos later. She gets really distracted/nervous out there because there is so much going on. :)

  2. I hope Zoe is ok. I love this trick but I don't think my 2 would tolerate it.

    1. Thank you! I hope so, too! She's still gimpy today.

  3. Well you sure made up for National Hug Day. So cute.

    Oh no on Zoe's hurt paw. I hate it when that happens.

    Have a woof woof day you two. My best to your wonderful mom. ☺

  4. How do you teach this trick? So cute!

    1. The most important part is having two dogs who trust each other and don't mind doing it. So you have to start there. Then the dogs need a lot of foundation in "sit pretty" because it takes a ton of ab muscles to be able to hold the position. Then I taught them to "hug" a toy while sitting pretty. After they had that down, I moved on to working on hugging each other. It's a pretty lengthy process and we are still working on it.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you!

      She is still gimpy today. I really don't know what the heck she did. It's not swollen or anything but she's not walking properly. :/

  6. How clever!!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  7. Super cute! Barley would eat a dog that tried to hug her, so she will probably never learn this one ;) Their faces kind of remind me of when my mom would make my siblings and I hug until we could get along again! Hope Miss Zoe's foot is better soon.

  8. That is so freaking cute! I hope she feels better soon!

  9. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Oh no, my person is going "awwww, isn't that cute" again, and also, "awwww, I should teach you two how to do that". No way, no how, would Cobi ever let me hug her! But my person is right, that's indeed very cute!


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