Monday, August 11, 2014

Anything you can do, I can do better! Mischief Monday!

One of my favorite things about Phoenix is that she picks things up from watching Zoe. She has such a wonderful "can do" attitude! It's definitely an "anything you can do, I can do better" kind of thing. She never wants to be left out of anything and she will try so hard to do everything Zoe does.

It's so amazing what she's learned! Some of the parkour things that I do with Zoe, Phoenix learned just by watching. She also learned to cross her paws from watching Zoe do it. This learning by observation thing has really sped up her training. 

The split in that tree was as tall as her paws could reach, standing on her back legs. It took her two tries to get up there but she did it!

I love my spunky little girl so much! She's such a fun little dog!


  1. I had no clue how much dogs learned from other dogs simply by watching--until I had 2 dogs. It's amazing! It makes training a second dog so much easier if you have the first one already trained.

    Love that pic of Phoenix in the tree!

    Wags (and purrs) Life with Dogs and Cats

    1. Yeah, it's crazy what they can learn from watching other dogs! Good or bad behavior, lol.

  2. You have amazing talent getting into that tree! I would never make it with my short self!

  3. She makes it look so easy. I can't imagine getting my Labs anywhere near to do that!

    1. Yeah she does!! My other dog had a harder time getting up there!

  4. That's awesome. And the very best way to learn something new.

  5. Wow! That's impressive! Good dog!

  6. Your header looks amazing! How did you teach the paw-cross? That's something I'd like to teach Ruby.

    1. Thank you!! and thanks for the suggestion!!

      I started out with "cross paws" using the kikopup method: It's not too hard, if you can get them to target an object with their paw and then slowly move it over their other paw.

      Phoenix learned the trick by watching Zoe do it, but I did work with her on it, too.. I ended up putting her up on a platform to refine and proof it.

  7. Smart girl! I wondered if our former foster dog might learn from watching Mr. N but I don't think anything penetrated his tiny brain. He was sweet, just not very academically gifted.

    1. Thank you! Yeah, some dogs are smarter or pick things up faster than other dogs! :) Zoe picks things up faster than Phoenix, but a lot of the time I wonder if she's just scared to be wrong since she's a rescue dog.

  8. That's a very impressive trick!

  9. Your dogs are so pretty! Great names!!

  10. Wow, that's super impressive! Well done!

  11. Pike learns by watching Nola, and it's SUCH a help. Didn't have to teach LLW, sitting before being fed, going to the door when he needs to go out, ect.

    1. It's so helpful!! I keep telling Vince we have to get the puppy before anything happens to Zoe!


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