Friday, January 16, 2015

Zoe's Followers on Fit Dog Friday

Zoe made some new friends out at the park while she was trying to hunt the other day! These two followed her everywhere and I think they were really puzzled by what she was doing!

It totally cracked me up and they were really nice dogs. It was fun watching them interact! Both of my dogs and I got some great exercise! We did a huge loop at the park and had a great time!


  1. The second picture is great. It is as if they are following behind saying "what are you doing?" lol

  2. Hi Y'all!

    Maybe they were just "put out" that she was ignoring their offer to help?

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  3. Mom says it is funny how some dogs are interested in things and others don't get it. We feel that way about tennis balls, can't understand why dogs obsess or want to play with them constantly. Glad you had a nice romp with friends.

    1. That's really funny, Emma!! My girls are the same way about tennis balls. I can get them to fetch them but they don't really care much about the game like some other dogs do!

  4. Follow the Leader :D That looks like a great space to let them run free!

    1. Yep! I really like that park! It's over a thousand acres!

  5. Love that second picture where they are all in the same position - she really was teaching them!

  6. I love that second picture--it looks like they are pretty sure whatever Zoe's doing is fantastic even if they aren't sure exactly what it is. What was she hunting?

    1. She was hunting the moles/voles that live out there. Rodents!!! LOL

  7. Looks like the perfect place for some serious off-leash romping!!

  8. That is too cute watching them follow her around! Zoe looks very focused in her mission!

  9. Wow! Looks like an amazing place for a dog run! They must have had a blast!

  10. Zoe looks very into it. What was Phoenix doing?

  11. That looks fun! The BC looking dog is gorgeous!

  12. It's wonderful that Zoe is so comfortable with unknown dogs and can make friends so easily. I wish my Shyla were so confident! It sounds like you all had fun.


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