Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Power of Positive Reinforcement Training!

Zoe & Phee are featured in Modern Canine Training's Latest Video!

I was so excited and honored when my friend Kris Willson the owner of Modern Canine Training asked me if I wanted to be a part of  her latest video project.

These are dogs from all over the world and they were all trained with positive reinforcement! Amazing dogs and amazing handlers! Check out the power of positive reinforcement!

Light 'Em Up!


  1. That's great. Isn't it a wonderful feeling when you finally start finding the niche you belong in in life?

  2. What a fantastic video! All three of you did a great job on your segments. Zoe and Phoenix are amazing but it all starts with a loving and positive trainer. Congrats, Lauren!

  3. You are truly an inspiration. Because of you - I worked extremely hard with the Boys on positive reinforcement when it comes to recall. I am happy to say - they get it, and when I yell "treat treat" they come a running. Congratulations! Hope to see more of you EVERYWHERE!!

  4. How cool. Such well trained babies. Excellent video.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the girls. ☺

  5. Congrats on being invited to be a part of this! It was great seeing your girls in a line up with other such talented pups. :) They did great!

  6. Congratulations!!! That's such a great accomplishment and example for those of us who are working with our dogs.

  7. Very impressive, and congrats! Love how the girls are pretty much the only non-herders. :D

  8. That's great!!! It gave me some new ideas. You and the girls were GREAT!

  9. Congratulations! Zoe and Phoenix - the non-border collies - in action! How fun to see them working so happily. I love the 'jump-over' sequence. You're inspiring!

  10. I have to say I was impressed!! Showed my daughters the video and they now want to spend more time training our dogs lol


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